
發布 2016-3-22 上午11:31

如果有任何潛在的強那麼它可能是歐元兌日元,但在很大程度上將取決於美元兌日元。它尖刺從110.66的低點高出但隨後倒在了橫盤整理的範圍。這個範圍還沒有真正做了它的意圖聞名。低想出了一個邊際看漲背離,但沒有堅定而仍然可以看到一個(每小時)條漲勢範圍的突破。哪一端的範圍將突破仍是未知數 - 但從EURJPY,風險確實出現低...
Work to be done
Friday didn’t surprise. The moves that we have seen were actually quite constructive but not nearly enough to confirm an impulsive structure – but just laid the foundations of a potential impulse wave. This morning’s start has added a little more, but still not enough and the market hasn’t even reached close to catch a sniff the first reversal targets. Even these first reversal targets will likely trigger a reversal – whether corrective or later confirm a larger reversal. I’m really not that sure we’ll get a particularly decisive start to the week. That last week’s Dollar lows did not provide Dollar even hourly bullish divergences remains another reason to tread carefully.
However, for now, the Dollar appears to still be pointing to the upside. Assuming we do see follow-through from Friday within an impulsive structure it will at least imply a correction and then second follow-through. It will be at that point that we need a more resounding outcome confirmed. As such, it sounds that – unless some greater catalyst springs up out of the ether – that we’ll have to suffer some pretty slow and boring development.
If there is any stronger potential then it may be in EURJPY but much will depend on USDJPY. It spiked higher from the 110.66 low but then slumped into a sideways range. This range has not really made its intent known. The low came with a marginal bullish divergence, but nothing firm and could still see a break of the range of that one (hourly) bar rally. Which end of the range will break is still unknown – but from EURJPY, the risk does appear lower…
I cannot promise a particularly constructive day but by the end we’ll have a little more information.
Good trading
Ian Copsey


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