英倫金融: 市場波動--行情走勢預測

發布 2016-5-6 下午12:23

It won’t be a surprise, will it? It’s NFP day… 12 hours of numbing boredom and 10 minutes of bedlam day. I always approach these days looking for a pattern that will fit within the structures I have. Recently, I have found the structures really complicated with too many overlaps and minor blips that make it difficult to be certain of which minor blip was the most important. Equally, given the larger wave degree structure, we can get a sense of reversal areas that can provide the next trending move. Thankfully, following yesterday’s Dollar strength in the Continental Europeans, we are looking at the areas I have been suggesting. Obviously, it’s going to be important that these potential reversal areas need to be approached with the right projection ratios, but it’s looking doable today.
That GBPUSD turned up its nose to the Continentals and decided to take a sleepy day off instead, was a perfect response also to the adjustment I made yesterday in the structure. It could still be under risk, but should the NFP release provide the right outcome it will work well with the Continentals.
Equally, the Aussie had a languid day of shallow swings that should be able to absorb the impact of the NFP release. Much will depend on how it moves over the next 10-12 hours. That the sudden drop from 0.7718 lacked any decent corrections adds to potential complications when the identification of the Wave i and Wave ii was impossible. Without those there is no real way to identify the subsequent Wave iii and Wave iv… However, the larger degree structure does have a main direction…
USDJPY had a day off. After all, it was the last day of Golden Week. Nothing has really changed at this point. I have the key areas that need to hold and the alternatives should that area break. If I look at the expectations in EURUSD post release, we also have an idea of where EURJPY will go. The cross is finely balanced between upside and down so this balance will be crucial…
Best wait for the gyrations following the NFP release and note whether one scenario has broken or not and then watch for the most appropriate outcome from the areas I’ll provide that will give a stronger idea to the outcome.
Have a great weekend
Ian Copsey


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