
發布 2016-3-4 下午07:07

總體而言,我們應會擁有一個相對安靜的一天,直到非農資料公佈 ......保重......
Whips and lashes
Yes, it’s Non Farm Payroll day… and it comes at an interesting juncture in both Forex and Equities. Of course, we all know the release can generate absolute bedlam and I suspect that’s what we’ll get. Even if there are great reversal indications, this report can blast them out of the market. The most important issue is understanding where a bullish/bearish structure breaks. Some break levels can have wide ranges while others are pretty precise. U.S. equities have some close levels on both sides of the market.
As for the Dollar… well, I didn’t anticipate what happened yesterday. Maybe I did because I had expected the Dollar to weaken but only after a minor new Dollar high. That it reversed directly was a bit of a pain but brings us to where I had (eventually) expected. It tends to slot in well with the higher degree structure and across all the major Dollar-currency pairs. We now just need to wait for the NFP release to let us know whether the structure holds or not…
My favoured outcome is Dollar bullish and Equity bearish.
The European currencies and probably Aussie should all move together having generally reached key barriers. There is room for a cushion around these areas but overall, as long as the NFP dictates, I do look for the Dollar to resume gains. USDJPY is in a slightly different position. The pullback lower yesterday is more indicative of a sideways range ahead of the NFP. I still feel this pair needs to extend gains.
As for EURJPY, as this could provide us with clues, it appears set to move higher. I suspect some of the gains will be driven by USDJPY. The release can obviously trigger some volatility that may – or may not – help…
Overall, we should have a relatively quiet day until NFP… Take care…
Have a great weekend
Ian Copsey


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