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該子基金尋求透過將其至少70%的資產淨值投資於以 人民幣(境外人民幣(CNH)或境內人民幣(CNY)8)計值 的定息╱債務證券以達致最高總回報。該子基金亦可 投資於以非人民幣計值的證券。 在中國境內定息╱債務證券的投資將為該子基金資產 淨值至少70%及最多可達100%,將透過中國銀行間 債券市場直接進入計劃(「中國銀行間債券市場直接 進入計劃」)、QFII/RQFII9及 ╱ 或中港債券通(「債券 通」)作出。該子基金可將其少於30%資產淨值投資於 評級低於投資級別(即標準普爾給予的BBB-以下評級 或穆迪投資者服務公司或惠譽評級給予的可資比較評 級)或如未獲評級,則具投資經理釐定的可資比較質 素的定息 ╱ 債務證券。就該子基金而言,「未獲評級」 定息╱債務證券的定義指定息╱債務證券本身或其 發行人並無獲標準普爾、穆迪投資者服務公司或惠譽 給予信貸評級。該子基金可將其最多100%資產淨值 投資於投資經理認為具備與評級為投資級別(即標準 普爾給予的BBB-或以上評級或穆迪投資者服務公司 或惠譽評級給予的可資比較評級)的證券的可資比較 質素之未獲評級定息╱債務證券。
名稱 | 主旨 | 成立於 | 直至 |
Wai Mei Leong | Director – Fixed Income Credits | 2017 | now |
自傳 | Wai Mei Leong is a Portfolio Manager in the Fixed Income team and Lead Portfolio Manager for Asian hard currency fixed income portfolios, including the Asian Bond, Asian Investment Grade Bond and High Yield Bond strategies. Wai Mei joined Eastspring Investments in September 2007. Prior to joining Eastspring Investments, Wai Mei has worked in various capacities in relation to credit including holding positions as Senior Analyst at the Bank of Nova Scotia Asia Ltd, Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB), Malaysia and ABN AMRO Bank, Singapore. Wai Mei has 22 years of investment experience. Wai Mei holds a Postgraduate Diploma (Finance) from Melbourne University and Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from RMIT, Australia. She is a Certified Public Accountant. | ||
David Lai | - | 2009 | 2017 |
自傳 | David Lai is an Investment Director with the fixed income team at Eastspring Investments Singapore having joined the company in 2009. He is the lead manager for Asian and Emerging Markets hard currency fixed income portfolios. Prior to joining Eastspring Singapore, he was a fixed income Portfolio Manager with Aberdeen Asset Management. Before that, he worked in various positions in fixed income credit research with HSBC Asset Management, Société Générale Asia and Daiwa Securities. David holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. | ||
Cary Yeung | - | 2007 | 2009 |
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