
發布 2016-3-16 上午11:06

Steady trading
No great surprises yesterday. The market is only just beginning to calm its frayed nerves following the ECB announcement and this will probably still need another day or so for a more definitive outcome develops. From my perspective it’s all a matter of making sure of the structures and how they integrate through the lower and higher wave degrees. It was particularly noticeable yesterday that the Dollar made more gains against the Euro compared with USDCHF and GBPUSD. Perhaps that’s not particularly significant but considering these moves will be amplified through the projection ratios it points to a much weaker EURUSD overall.
Having said that, I’m not really expecting any real acceleration today but more likely a similar day to yesterday. However, we shall have to watch out for a pullback following today’s (expected) follow-through. There is even a risk of GBPUSD baulking the trend – although there’s not any room before it is at risk of breaking down. Such is the rather unusual relationships between some of these pairs that even AUDUSD does not yet look ready to see further losses at this time. Thus, it would not surprise me to see AUDUSD making gains today.
The JPY pairs managed to see losses as I had expected. There was nothing outstanding about the decline but has actually provided a base to build on. I suspect both of these pairs will be looking to the downside now but we’ll have to wait and see how robust and constructive this turns out to be. EURJPY managed to extend losses and while a correction is required, I can’t see it being too deep.
It should be a steady day today…
Good trading
Ian Copsey


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