CoNET, The Innovative VPN Unicorn

發布 2024-3-27 上午09:52
CoNET, The Innovative VPN Unicorn

FX168 - As the new era of the internet dawns, CoNET revolutionizes the VPN market by pioneering the use of wallet addresses instead of IP addresses. It allows clients to directly connect to blockchain private RPC nodes, eliminating the need for users to expose their personal data to providers. To facilitate usage, the team will launch the CoNET Power Card physical infrastructure device.

"Data is the new oil," as famously stated by British mathematician Clive Humby in 2006, succinctly captures the overall development of the current internet.

Monopolistic or oligopolistic internet markets have led to risks such as illegal data collection, lack of trust, and hacker theft.

Using VPN nodes to access the internet still requires users to submit personal privacy information to node providers, and IP addresses cannot provide complete anonymity.

Based on Satoshi Nakamoto's decentralized spirit, CoNET proposes a comprehensive solution.

By uploading data to decentralized cloud storage and fragmenting cloud data, centralized institutions can no longer easily collect or steal information.

In the new internet era where everyone values data security, CoNET is also preparing to launch the CoNET Power Card, allowing users to truly realize the concept of "having the world in one card." #dePIN賽道#

(Source : CoNET)

(Source : CoNET)

All devices within the WiFi radius of the CoNET Power Card can communicate incognito without leaving traces.

With four major technological highlights—bandwidth mining, hardware wallet, encrypted privacy communication, and global free internet access—CoNET has attracted over 200,000 early miners.

Following the spirit of Bitcoin, the CoNET platform is currently completely open-source and has no central governance, allowing anyone to participate in this VPN revolution by becoming a node.

To stimulate more user participation in the ecosystem, CoNET not only decentralizes access for everyone but also offers the market the opportunity to participate in construction through the "Guardian Plan."

For those who missed the early rise of the Bitcoin bull market, CoNET presents a hundredfold potential investment opportunity in this cycle.

For more details on the "Guardian Plan," please refer to the official CoNET Guardian website.

Upon completing the purchase of the Guardian Plan and becoming a guardian within 24-48 hours, the system will activate a super node for the guardian, which requires no client management and provides continuous service to the CoNET network 24 hours a day, producing CNTP points to reward the guardian.

The project team is committed to the investment security of Guardian Plan purchasers and promises to repurchase at cost. The launch of the global Guardian Plan's super nodes for mining is imminent, so investors should stay tuned for updates. For more details, please visit the CoNET official website.



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