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名稱 | 主旨 | 成立於 | 直至 |
Ansie van Rensburg | Head | 2003 | now |
自傳 | Ansie holds a BCom (Hons) in Economics. She served her articles with Theron van der Poel. She later joined Volkskas Merchant Bank as a management trainee and later as a money market trader. She was involved in the founding of CM Interbank, a money broking operation during 1987. Later, she was appointed as an alternate director in charge of the funding operation of the NDH Bank Ltd when CMI was sold to NDH Bank Ltd. She joined SCMB Asset Management in 1991 and is a member of the investment strategy team, specifically responsible for the investment of funds in the fixed interest and money markets. She is currently the Deputy Head of Fixed Interest and Head of the Cash Management proposition at STANLIB Asset Management. |
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